Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Tribute to Wildlings of Game of Thrones ~ (A to Z April 2016 Challenge)

Adventurous, you may call it
For them, it was a question of life & death
They were still freefolks, who worshiped the old gods!

From beyond the wall
Abandoning the south
It was an attack from wildlings
Acceptance they sought in North!

Ascension was very difficult
When they arrived at Castle Black
Art of War, they knew nothing about
Knowing how to survive cold
Doesn’t make you win Wars!

Astute Jon Snow, with all the right intentions
He pressed for peace
Against all the odds
Who knew he would be killed an abandoned death!

Note: After reading this post, you know a lot about ‘Game of Thrones’ and you also know that I am a die-hard fan of it. You also know that I have tagged random blogs from A-to-Z Challenge since those blogs helped me with key word of the day i.e. A. So which Gods do you pray and who's your favorite character in Game of Thrones?


  1. George r r Martin says Jon is alive... Got premiers on April 26!
    Good luck for A to Z...

    1. Yeah...promos say that too..can't wait anymore shine ;)

  2. My husband is die hard GOT fan as well. I have missed many episodes and don't follow as closely but I do watch with him. Its a great series. We recently cancelled HBO but will get again when the season starts. LOL
    Very interesting theme. Stopping by from the list of A to Z challenge.

    1. Thanks Holli for dropping by....GOT Season 6 is coming on 26 April..I am very excited about it :)

  3. I havent watched game of thrones. So I couldnt follow the poem. However, there were many interesting words used and I liked that. My favourite god is Balaji and Kali :)

  4. Replies
    1. Arya is one of my favs too Archana...are u also excited about 26 April?

  5. This poem has enlightened people like me on the game of thrones...verses are fantastic and probably apt too!!!

    1. Hey Sunita...I am glad that you know something about GOT now!!
      Thanks for dropping by.


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